F. Menczer, S. Fortunato, C. Davis, A First Course in Network Science, Cambridge University Press (2020)
Edited books
Complex Networks, Proceedings of CompleNet 2009, International Workshop on Complex Networks, held in Catania, Italy, on May 26-27, 2009. The editors are Santo Fortunato, Ronaldo Menezes, Giuseppe Mangioni and Vincenzo Nicosia. The volume belongs to Springer's series Studies in Computational Intelligence.
Book chapters
F Radicchi, S Fortunato, A Vespignani, Citation networks, in Models of science dynamics, A. Scharnhorst, Katy Börner, Peter van den Besselaar (Eds.), pp. 233-257, Springer (2012)
S. Fortunato, C. Castellano, Community structure in graphs, in Springer's Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, R. A. Meyers (Ed.), pp. 490-512 (2008)
S. Fortunato, D. Stauffer, Computer Simulations of Opinions and Their Reactions to Extreme Events in Extreme Events in Nature and Society, S. Albeverio, V. Jentsch, H. Kantz (Eds.), pp. 233-257, Berlin-Heidelberg (2006)
S. Fortunato, C. T. Bergstrom, K. Börner, J. A. Evans, D. Helbing, S. Milojević, A. M. Petersen, F. Radicchi, R. Sinatra, B. Uzzi, A. Vespignani, L. Waltman, D. Wang, A.-L. Barabási, Science of science, Science 359 (6379), eaao0185 (2018)
S. Fortunato. D. Hric, Community detection in networks: a user guide, Physics Reports 659, 1-44 (2016)
S. Fortunato, Community detection in graphs, Physics Reports 486, 75-174 (2010)
Claudio Castellano, Santo Fortunato, Vittorio Loreto, Statistical physics of social dynamics, Reviews of Modern Physics 81, 591-646 (2009)
S. Choobdar et al., Assessment of network module identification across complex diseases, Nature Methods 16, 843–852 (2019)
A. M. Petersen, R. K. Pan, F. Pammolli, S. Fortunato, Methods to account for citation inflation in research evaluation, Research Policy 48 (7), 1855-1865 (2019)
J. Li, Y. Yin, S. Fortunato, D. Wang, A dataset of publication records for Nobel laureates, Scientific Data 6, 33 (2019)
J. Li, Y. Yin, S. Fortunato, D. Wang, Nobel laureates are almost the same as us, Nature Reviews Physics 1, 301-303 (2019)
A. Tandon, S. Fortunato, Fast consensus clustering in complex networks, Physical Review E 99, 042301 (2019)
M. Alizadeh, I. Weber, C. Cioffi-Revilla, S. Fortunato, M. Macy, Psychology and morality of political extremists: evidence from Twitter language analysis of alt-right and Antifa, EPJ Data Science 8 (1), 17 (2019)
J. A. Contreras et al., Resting state network modularity along the prodromal late onset Alzheimer's disease continuum, NeuroImage: Clinical 22, 101687 (2019)
X. Yan, L. G. S. Jeub, A. Flammini, F. Radicchi, S. Fortunato, Weight Thresholding on Complex Networks, Physical Review E 98, 042304 (2018)
R. K. Pan, A. M. Petersen, F. Pammolli, S. Fortunato, The memory of science: Inflation, myopia, and the knowledge network, Journal of Informetrics 12 (3), 656-678 (2018)
L. W. Swanson, J. D. Hahn, L. G. S. Jeub, S. Fortunato, O. Sporns, Subsystem organization of axonal connections within and between the right and left cerebral cortex and cerebral nuclei (endbrain), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 115 (29), E6910-E6919 (2018)
L. G. S. Jeub, O. Sporns, S. Fortunato, Multiresolution Consensus Clustering in Networks, Scientific Reports 8, 3259 (2018)
Y. He, S. Lim, S. Fortunato, O. Sporns, L. Zhang, J. Qiu, P. Xie, X-N. Zuo, Reconfiguration of Cortical Networks in MDD Uncovered by Multiscale Community Detection with fMRI, Cerebral Cortex 28 (4), 1383-1395 (2018)
R. K. Darst, C. Granell, A. Arenas, S. Gómez, J. Saramäki, S. Fortunato, Detection of timescales in evolving complex systems, Scientific Reports 6, 39713 (2016)
D. Hric, T. P. Peixoto, S. Fortunato, Network structure, metadata, and the prediction of missing nodes and annotations, Physical Review X 6 (3), 031038 (2016)
S. Sarkar, S. Chawla, P. A. Robinson, S. Fortunato, Eigenvector dynamics under perturbation of modular networks, Physical Review E 93, 062312 (2016)
Y.-H. Eom, A. Perna. S. Fortunato, E. Darrouzet, G. Theraulaz, C. Jost, Network-based model of the growth of termite nests, Physical Review E 92, 062810 (2015)
P. Della Briotta Parolo, R. K. Pan, R. Ghosh, B. H. Huberman, K. Kaski, S. Fortunato, Attention decay in science, Journal of Informetrics 9, 734-745 (2015)
L. Cantini, E. Medico, S. Fortunato, M. Caselle, Detection of gene communities in multi-networks reveals cancer drivers, Scientific Reports 5, 17386 (2015)
C. Orsini, M. M. Dankulov, P. Colomer de Simon, A. Jamakovic, P. Mahadevan, A. Vahdat, K. E. Bassler, Z. Toroczkai, M. Boguñá, G. Caldarelli, S. Fortunato, D. Krioukov, Quantifying randomness in real networks, Nature Communications 6, 8627 (2015)
C. Granell, R. K. Darst, A. Arenas, S. Fortunato, S. Gómez, Benchmark model to assess community structure in evolving networks, Physical Review E 92, 012805 (2015)
G. Bianconi, R. K. Darst, J. Iacovacci, S. Fortunato, Triadic closure as a basic generating mechanism of communities in complex networks, Physical Review E 90, 042806 (2014)
R. K. Pan, S. Fortunato, Author impact factor: tracking the dynamics of individual scientific impact, Scientific Reports 4, 4880 (2014)
D. Hric, R. K. Darst, S. Fortunato, Community detection in networks: structural communities versus ground truth, Physical Review E 90, 062805 (2014)
A. M. Petersen, S. Fortunato, R. K. Pan, K. Kaski, O. Penner, A. Rungi, M. Riccaboni, H. E. Stanley, F. Pammolli, Reputation and impact in academic careers, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 111 (43), 15316-15321 (2014)
F. Becattini, A. Chatterjee, S. Fortunato, M. Mitrović, R. K. Pan, P. Della Briotta Parolo, The Nobel Prize delay, Physics Today, May 2014
S. Fortunato, F. Becattini, A. Chatterjee, M. Mitrović, R. K. Pan, P. Della Briotta Parolo, Prizes: Growing time lag threatens Nobels, Nature 508, 186 (2014)
S. Fortunato, J. Saramäki, J.-P. Onnela, Adding network structure onto the map of collective behavior, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37, 82-83 (2014)
R. K. Darst, Z. Nussinov, S. Fortunato, Improving the performance of algorithms to find communities in networks, Physical Review E 89, 032809 (2014)
A. Chatterjee, M. Mitrovic, S. Fortunato, Universality in voting behavior: an empirical analysis, Scientific Reports 3, 1049 (2013)
O. Penner, R. Kumar Pan, A. M. Petersen, S. Fortunato, The case for caution in predicting scientists' future impact, Physics Today 66( 4), 8-9 (2013)
O. Penner, R. K. Pan, A. Petersen, K. Kaski, S. Fortunato, On the predictability of future impact in science, Scientific Reports 3, 3052 (2013)
S. Fortunato, M. Macy, S. Redner, Editorial: Statistical Mechanics and Social Sciences, special issue of Journal of Statistical Physics, Journal of Statistical Physics 151 (1), 1-8 (2013)
R. Kumar Pan, K. Kaski, S. Fortunato, World citation and collaboration networks: uncovering the role of geography in science, Scientific Reports 2, 902 (2012)
S. Fortunato, C. Castellano, Physics peeks into the ballot box, Physics Today 65 (10), 74-75 (2012)
A. Lancichinetti, S. Fortunato, Consensus clustering in complex networks, Scientific Reports 2, 336 (2012)
A. Lancichinetti, S. Fortunato, Limits of modularity maximization in community detection, Physical Review E 84, 066122 (2011)
Y.-H. Eom, S. Fortunato, Characterizing and modeling citation dynamics, PLoS One 6(9), e24926 (2011)
A. Mazloumian, Y.-H. Eom, D. Helbing, S. Lozano, S. Fortunato, How citation boosts promote scientific paradigm shifts and Nobel Prizes, PLoS One 6(5), e18975 (2011)
A. Lancichinetti, F. Radicchi, J. J. Ramasco, S. Fortunato, Finding statistically significant communities in networks, PLoS One 6(4), e18961 (2011)
F. Radicchi, J. J. Ramasco, S. Fortunato, Information filtering in weighted complex networks, Physical Review E 83, 046101 (2011)
A. Lancichinetti, M. Kivela, J. Saramäki, S. Fortunato, Characterizing the community structure of complex networks, PLoS One 5(8), e11976 (2010)
Jacob Ratkiewicz, Filippo Menczer, Santo Fortunato, Alessandro Flammini, Alessandro Vespignani, Traffic in social media ii: Modeling bursty popularity, Proceedings of SocialCom 2010, Symposium on Social Intelligence and Networking (SIN-10). Paper ID SIN-246.
J. Ratkiewicz, S. Fortunato, A. Flammini, F. Menczer, A. Vespignani, Characterizing and modeling the dynamics of online popularity, Physical Review Letters 105, 158701 (2010)
F. Radicchi, S. Fortunato, Explosive percolation: a numerical analysis, Physical Review E 81, 036110 (2010)
A. Lancichinetti, S. Fortunato, Community detection algorithms: a comparative analysis, Physical Review E 80, 056117 (2009)
F. Radicchi, S. Fortunato, B. Markines, A. Vespignani, Diffusion of scientific credits and the ranking of scientists, Physical Review E 80, 056103 (2009)
S. Mandrà, S. Fortunato, C. Castellano, Coevolution of Glauber-like Ising dynamics and topology, Physical Review E 80, 056105 (2009)
S. Fortunato, M. Boguñá, A. Flammini, F. Menczer, On local estimations of PageRank: a mean field approach, Internet Mathematics 4, 245-266 (2009)
A. Lancichinetti, S. Fortunato, Benchmark for testing community detection algorithms on directed and weighted graphs with overlapping communities, Physical Review E 80, 016118 (2009)
Lancichinetti, S. Fortunato, J. Kertész, Detecting the overlapping and hierarchical community structure in complex networks, New Journal of Physics 11, 033015 (2009)
F. Radicchi, A. Barrat, S. Fortunato, J. J. Ramasco, Renormalization flows in complex networks, Physical Review E 79, 026104 (2009)
F. Radicchi, S. Fortunato, Explosive percolation in scale-free networks, Physical Review Letters 103, 168701 (2009)
A. Lancichinetti, S. Fortunato, F. Radicchi, Benchmark graphs for testing community detection algorithms, Physical Review E 78, 046110 (2008)
N. Perra, S. Fortunato, Spectral centrality measures in complex networks, Physical Review E 78, 036107 (2008)
F. Radicchi, S. Fortunato, C. Castellano, Universality of citation distributions: toward an objective measure of scientific impact, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA 105, 17268-17272 (2008).
F. Radicchi, J. J. Ramasco, A. Barrat, S. Fortunato, Complex networks renormalization: flows and fixed points, Physical Review Letters 101, 148701 (2008)
M. R. Meiss, F. Menczer, S. Fortunato, A. Flammini, A. Vespignani, Ranking Web Sites with Real User Traffic, Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), Palo Alto, CA, USA, February 11-12, 65-75
A. Arenas, A. Fernández, S. Fortunato, S. Gómez, Motif-based communities in complex networks, Journal of Physics A 41, 224001 (2008)
S. Fortunato, M. Boguñá, A. Flammini, F. Menczer, Approximating PageRank from in-degree, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4936, 59-71 (2008)
S. Fortunato, M. Barthélemy, Resolution limit in community detection, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA 104 (1), 36-41 (2007)
S. Fortunato, C. Castellano, Scaling and universality in proportional elections, Physical Review Letters 99, 138701 (2007)
S. Schnell, S. Fortunato, S. Roy, Is the intrinsic disorder of proteins the cause of the scale-free architecture of protein-protein interaction networks?, Proteomics 7 (6), 961-964 (2007)
S. Fortunato, A. Flammini, Random walks on directed networks: the case of PageRank, Invited contribution published in the Special Issue Complex Networks’ Structure and Dynamics, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 17 (7), 2343-2353 (2007)
M. Ángeles Serrano, M. Boguñá, A. G. Maguitman, S. Fortunato, A. Vespignani, Decoding the structure of the WWW: a comparative analysis of Web crawls, ACM Transactions on the Web 1 (2), paper 10 (2007)
S. Fortunato, A. Flammini, F. Menczer, Scale-free network growth by ranking, Physical Review Letters 96, 218701 (2006)
S. Fortunato, A. Flammini, F. Menczer, A. Vespignani, Topical interests and the mitigation of search engine bias, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA, 103 (34), 12684-12689 (2006)
Ph. Blanchard, S. Fortunato, T. Krüger, Importance of extremists for the structure of social networks, Physical Review E 71, 056114 (2005)
S. Fortunato, Damage spreading and opinion dynamics on scale-free networks, Physica A 348, 683 (2005)
S. Fortunato, V. Latora, A. Pluchino, A. Rapisarda, Vector opinion dynamics in a bounded confidence consensus model, International Journal of Modern Physics C 16, issue 10, 1535-1551 (2005)
S. Fortunato, On the consensus threshold for the opinion dynamics of Krause-Hegselmann, International Journal of Modern Physics C 16, issue 2, 259-270 (2005)
S. Fortunato, The Sznajd consensus model with continuous opinions, International Journal of Modern Physics C 16, issue 1, 17-24 (2005)
S. Fortunato, V. Latora, M. Marchiori, Method to find community structures based on information centrality, Physical Review E 70, 056104 (2004)
S. Fortunato, Universality of the threshold for complete consensus for the opinion dynamics of Deffuant et al., International Journal of Modern Physics C 15, issue 9, 1301-1307 (2004)
S. Fortunato, The Krause-Hegselmann consensus model with discrete opinions, International Journal of Modern Physics C 15, issue 7, 1021-1029 (2004)
S. Fortunato, A. Aharony, A. Coniglio, D. Stauffer, Number of spanning clusters at the high-dimensional percolation thresholds, Physical Review E 70, 056116 (2004)
S. Fortunato, D. Stauffer, A. Coniglio, Percolation in high dimensions is not understood, Physica A 334/3-4, 307-311 (2004)
Ph. Blanchard, S. Fortunato, H. Satz, The Hagedorn temperature and partition thermodynamics, European Physical Journal C 34, 361-366 (2004)
S. Digal, S. Fortunato, H. Satz, Predictions for J/Ψ suppression by parton percolation, European Physical Journal C 32, 547-553 (2004)
S. Digal, S. Fortunato, P. Petreczky, Heavy quark free energies and screening in SU(2) gauge theory, Physical Review D 68, 034008 (2003)
S. Fortunato, Cluster percolation and critical behaviour in spin models and SU(N) gauge theories, Journal of Physics A 36, 4269 (2003)
S. Fortunato, Critical droplets and phase transitions in two dimensions, Physical Review B 67, 014102 (2003)
S. Fortunato, Site percolation and phase transitions in two dimensions, Physical Review B 66, 054107 (2002)
S. Fortunato, H. Satz, Cluster percolation and first order phase transitions in the Potts model, Nuclear Physics B 623, 493 (2002)
S. Digal, S. Fortunato, P. Petreczky, H. Satz, Parton percolation and J/Ψ suppression, Physics Letters B 549, 101 (2002)
Ph. Blanchard, S. Fortunato, D. Gandolfo, Euler Poincaré characteristic and phase transition in the Potts model on Z2, Nuclear Physics B 644, 495 (2002)
S. Fortunato, F. Karsch, P. Petreczky, H. Satz, Effective Z(2) spin models of deconfinement and percolation in SU(2) gauge theory, Physics Letters B 502, 321 (2001)
S. Fortunato, H. Satz, Cluster percolation and pseudocritical behaviour in spin models, Physics Letters B 509, 189 (2001)
S. Fortunato, H. Satz, Percolation and magnetization for generalized continuous spin models, Nuclear Physics B 598, 601 (2001)
Ph. Blanchard, S. Digal, S. Fortunato, D. Gandolfo, T. Mendes, H. Satz, Cluster percolation in O(n) spin models, Journal of Physics A 33, 860 (2000)
P. Bialas, P. Blanchard, S. Fortunato, D. Gandolfo, H. Satz, Percolation and magnetization in the continuous spin Ising model, Nuclear Physics B 583, 368 (2000)
S. Fortunato, H. Satz, Polyakov loop percolation and deconfinement in SU(2) gauge theory, Physics Letters B 475, 311 (2000)
S. Fortunato, A. Insolia, R. J. Liotta, T. Vertse, Two-particle-one-hole excitations in the continuum, Physical Review C 54, 3279 (1996)